Object-Oriented Programming 2019/20


Due to the limitations of classroom teaching, this year there will be only one test: the final exam. The date of the exam is set centrally by the faculty. This year it's June 19, 10.30.

The exam will be realized as a take home exam. You will have to refer to your project. You may use whatever other sources you wish. However, you must write your exam on your own: you are not allowed to communicate with other people.

On the exam date, you will receive the questions to which you will reply in writing. You will submit your answers to the corresponding submission site in AIS. For this, you will have up to two hours.

The questions will require answers related to your project. Here are some examples for you to get a better idea of how such questions could look like:


The questions from the exam held remotely on June 19 at 10.30am re available here along with the assessment key.

Valentino Vranić
vranic at stuba.sk