Martin Konôpka

I am a PhD student at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, supervised by prof. Pavol Navrat. At the same time I am a software and mobile applications developer, mostly for Microsoft platforms, and a Microsoft Student Partner.


My research interests are in monitoring software developer’s activity, gathering and processing interaction data, stream reasoning, and identifying hidden relations between artifacts of software projects or developers. His motivation is in understanding software and its source code from different point of view to just analyzing contents of source code.


Konopka, M.: Combining Eye Tracking with Navigation Paths for Identification of Cross-Language Code Dependencies. In proc. of ESEC/FSE'15. ACM, 2015, pp. 1057-1059.

Konopka, M., Navrat, P.: Untangling Development Tasks with Software Developer’s Activity. In proc. of CSD 2015 in companion with ICSE 2015. IEEE CS Press, 2015, pp. 13-14.

Konopka, M., Navrat, P., Bielikova, M.: Poster: Discovering Code Dependencies by Harnessing Developer’s Activity. In proc. of ICSE 2015. IEEE CS Press, 2015, pp. 801-802.

Konopka, M., Bielikova, M.: Software developer activity as a source for identifying hidden source code dependencies. In proc. of SOFSEM 2015. Springer, 2015, pp. 449-462.


E-mail: {name_surname}[at]
Find me on social networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, StackOverflow.