% ....názov súboru je: literatura.bib % kniha @book{Coplien:MPD, author = "James O. Coplien", title = "Multi-Paradigm Design for C++", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1999 } % článok v časopise @article{Czarnecki:Staged, author = "Krzysztof Czarnecki and Simon Helsen and Ulrich Eisenecker", title = "Staged Configuration Through Specialization and Multi-Level Configuration of Feature Models", journal = "Software Process: Improvement and Practice", volume = 10, issue = 2, month = apr # "/" # jun, year = "2005", pages = "143--169", } % článok v zborníku @inproceedings{Czarnecki:Progress, author = "Krzysztof Czarnecki and Chang Hwan Peter Kim", title = "Cardinality-Based Feature Modeling and Constraints: A Progress Report", booktitle = "International Workshop on Software Factories, OOPSLA 2005", month = oct, year = "2005", address = "San Diego, USA", } % technická správa (nepublikovaná) @techreport{Kang:FODA, author = "Kyo C. Kang and Sholom G. Cohen and James A. Hess and William E. Novak and A. Spencer Peterson", title = "Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis ({FODA}): A Feasibility Study", institution = "Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University", address = "Pittsburgh, USA", month = nov, year = 1990, number = "CMU/SEI-90-TR-21", } % zdroj na webe @misc{PLP-Framework, author = "Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University", title = "A Framework for Software Product Line Practice---Version 5.0", howpublished = "\url{http://www.sei.cmu.edu/productlines/frame_report/}", }