Engineering Methods

Academic year: 2023/24


General topic


Searching, obtaining and extracting information (information retrieval)

Searching, obtaining and extracting information (information retrieval) in an open web environment or in an environment defined by closed or partially closed digital systems/libraries is gradually developing. There are specific models for searching and information retrieval. Techniques for indexing and searching as well as text processing using text operations are known. A persistent problem in the field is also the problem of distinguishing relevant information from useless information, etc. However, with the continued increase in the volume of available information, data, or data in general, the problem of orientation in them also arises. Approaches for sorting data into groups based on similarities and the use of sequential clustering algorithms are therefore known. Support for "full-text" search is already standard, but semantic search and semantic networks as well as regular expressions in text processing are also known. A number of global renovated publishers/publishing houses create and provide the latest knowledge in the form of scientific publications, data that are accessible to given groups of engaged processors and searchers of such information.

Elaborate the specification of the general topic in the form of the intention of the article in connection with the topic of searching, obtaining and extracting information (information retrieval) in an open web environment or in an environment defined by closed or partially closed digital systems/libraries. A set of related subtopics can be helpful: indexing, searching and organizing, processing large amounts of data, distributed data storage and processing systems, semantic search and semantic networks, regular expressions and their use in text processing.