
RoboCup at FIIT'12

Soccer simulation league regional tournament in Bratislava

    Rules 2D
    Rules 3D
    Instructions for teams
    Registered teams

Server, system and executing

The values from the last officially released server configuration files and soccer server 13.x will be used for the matches.

The players will be (preferably) running under the Windows 2000 operating system. The use of players compiled for another system will be possible after an arrangement with the organisers.

Each team will have 1 or 2 computers assigned. Teams can use the computing power and storage capacity of the assigned computers for their players. It is possible to request assignment of na additional computer, if necessary. This request does not have to be satisfied due to technical reasons. At least 5 minutes before each match the teams will be provided with IP address of the computer, where the server will be running. Every team is responsible for running its players and for connecting the players to the server. The match will be started regardless to wheather all players succeed to connect to the server or not. The referees may decide to delay the match start in the case, when any team do not manage to connect its players to the server without its own cause, or when other serious event occures.

Match organisation

The tournament will consist of 2 rounds.

In the first round the teams will be divided to two groups. Each team plays against all the other teams of the same group. According to the results of the 1st round the first 2 teams of each group advance to the second round. If there will not be enough of registered teams, the first round will not be held and all teams advance to the second round.

4 teams take part in the second (final) round. Each team plays against all the other teams in the final round. The final team ranking will be determined according to the final round outcome. Ranking of teams which did not advance to the second round will not be determined.

There will be 3 points allocated for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss. Rankings in the group (and also the final round) will be determined according to points gained by the teams. Team with more points has, of course, higher ranking. Points are not transferred to next rounds.


Ranking of teams (for n>1 teams) will be determined according to following priorities:

  • Points. There will be 3 points allocated for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
  • Head-to-head result.
    • For n=2, this breaks the tie if and only if the head to head match was not a draw.
    • For n > 2, this breaks the tie if and only if one team won against all other teams who are tied.
  • Overall difference between scored and gotten goals for this round.
  • For n>2, difference between scored and gotten goals for this round including only games with the tied teams.
  • Overall number of goals scores for this round.
  • For n>2, number of goals scores for this round including only games with the tied teams.
  • Random selection among the teams.

If n > 2 teams are tied, then the above list of tiebreakers is used until 1 team can be put first. That one team is ranked first and the remaining teams are grouped into another tiebreaker, and the criteria are applied from the beginning of the list.

Free-Kicks and Kick-Ins

If a team fails to put the ball back into play after a free kick, a drop-ball is given after 200 cyles automatically.

If repeatedly no player of the team that has to perform the free kick displays efforts to move towards the ball, the waiting time can be suitably shortened by the referee dropping the ball manually.

If in a play on situation no player shows effort to go to the ball for 200 simulation cycles, the referee can drop the ball. Ball drops should be as near as possible to the current position of the ball or on the corner of the penalty box that is nearest to current ball position. Ball should not be dropped inside the penalty box.

Fair - play

Players nor coach should flood the network by sending messages that cannot be processed by the server (e.g. pr. more dash orders in the same simulation cycle).

If a referee detects improper behaviour of a team (foul), he has to award a free kick to the disadvantaged team. Reasons to call a foul:

  • One team surrounds the ball so that the other team cannot kick.
  • The goal is blocked by so many players so that the ball could not go in (a wall of players blocking the goal).
  • Team intentionally blocks the movement of opponent players.
  • The goalie repeats catching the ball immediately after kick-off. If this behaviour is not repeated often and the goalie does not use it systematically to gain an advantage (to increase the number of free moves after catching the ball), the referee can decide to tolerate this behaviour.
  • Anything else that appears to violate the fair play committment, after consultation with the organisers.

The goal of the game is to play soccer according to fair and common sense understanding of soccer and to the restrictions imposed by the virtual simulated world of the soccer server. To gain an advantage in a way not explicitly allowed by game rules and simulation server is considered as violating the game rules. Avoidance or violating of thois principles is strictly forbidden. Team which violates the rules can be disqualified by the organisers. Examples of inacceptable behaviour are:

  • Using another teams binaries.
  • Flooding the network and jamming the server by sending more than 3-4 messages per 1 client and 1 simulation cycle.
  • Communicating by other means than via the server using the 'say' command, for example by using direct inter-process communication.
  • Terminating and disruption of other team player processes.

Other strategies might be found violating the fair play committment after consultation with organisers and referees. If you are in doubt of using a certain method, please ask the organisers before the tournament starts.