Engineering Methods

Academic year: 2023/24


Exercise 1


Basic information about the subject

Familiarize yourself with the conditions for completing the subject and the information about the exercise and the project, which are available on the subject page.

Project's general topic

Carefully study subsection 1 of the section Project including the general topic of the project. You will hear more about the general topic and how to proceed in its refinement, as well as in the implementation of the project as such, within the first lecture.


  1. Install Git on your computers (
  2. Register on GitHub ( To the prepared place in AIS called: Registrácia na GitHub, upload a file called gitHub.pdf, where your first and last name will be listed, and on a separate line your GitHub account.
  3. Try searching for the key term of the general topic through the following services:
  4. Narrow your query by adding additional terms that interest you in relation to the basic topic. Repeat this procedure. Note that you come up with new concepts based on the sources you look up (although not always directly).
  5. In the application that you will potentially use for communication as part of the exercises (Google meet, Webex, MS Teams...), check the screen sharing option and the microphone settings. Agree with the teacher on any other specifics of your communication and use of the app even during the exercise.