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From this page you can navigate to overview of Norbert Frištacký's work in 50's (1950 - 1959), 60's (1960 - 1969), 70's (1970 - 1979), 80's (1980 - 1989) and 90's until now (1990 - 2006).


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Computer Pioneer Award

For his long-life work and research in the field of designing digital devices in 1996 he received the IEEE Computer Pioneer Award. more about his awards...

Publication activities

He strongly influenced curricula in Computer Science and Engineering. He piloted design of courses on Logic Circuits Analysis and Synthesis and on Digital Device Design as a author of tree highly valued universities textbooks. With these books he can be clearly seen as a founder of education in this field. Besides books and curriculums he is co-author of about 100 scientific and technical papers.

In video

In this short video is presenting field of computers generally. Find out more...

His scholars

He conveyed his scientific, research and schoolmasterly knowledge to 13 Ph.Ds, 3 of them reached academic degree of docent (lecturer) and one of them the professor title.

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Behavioral Specification Model and Language for Digital Systems

One of last research activities of Norbert Frištacký led him to introduction of the novel behavioral specification model for reactive systems - HSSL (Hardware - Software Specification Language). The simulation depicts how can HSSL specifie simple CPU. more...