
RoboCup at FIIT'10

Soccer simulation league regional tournament in Bratislava

    Rules 2D
    Rules 3D
    Instructions for teams
    Registered teams

We invite you to participate on the 10th simulated soccer tournament RoboCup at FIIT'10. The tournament will be held in the categories category 2D simulation and 3D simulation.

The tournament is open for student teams from Slovakia, Czech republic and other countries of central Europe.

The tournament is open for teams of students, ranging from high-school to PhD students. All who have their own player and want to want to compare it with other players are invited. Teams can register at address

The tournament will be held on 21st May 2010. All tournament parts are open for public and all visitors will be welcome.

Tournament is divided into 2 parts:

  • 2D competition
  • 3D competition
The tournament will be held on 21th May 2010 at 9:00 in the room TPC120 in the faculty building on Ilkovičova 3.

As the first part of the tournament, all matches between the 2D teams will be played. Spectators can watch exciting soccer matches in real-time and provide moral support of their favourit team. After the 2D matches, the 3D competition will be held. The robots will compete in different skills like walking or shooting. According to circumstances, a 3D exhibition match will be a part of the tournament too.