Current research projects
Agency for the Structural Funds of EU project ITMS 26240220084
University Science Park of STU Bratislava - UX Lab & UX class
(February 2013 - June 2015)
Agency for the Structural Funds of EU project ITMS 26240120039
Research and Development Operational Programme for the project International centre of excellence for research of intelligent and secure information-communication technologies and systems
(February 2014 - September 2015)
Agency for the Structural Funds of EU project ITMS 26240220039
Research of methods for acquisition, analysis and personalized conveying of information and knowledge
(February 2011 - June 2015)
Agency for Research and Development project APVV-0208-10
Virtual and constructive modelling, training and simulation of crowd behaviour in urban environment
(May 2011 - October 2014)
Research Grant Agency project VG1/0675/11
Contextual information search and navigation in the social web
(January 2011 - December 2014)
Research Grant Agency project VG1/0971/11
Acquiring, processing and visualization of textual information based on analysis of similarity relations
(January 2011 - December 2014)
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Selected past projects
Research Projects
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Industry Projects
SME.SK News Recommender based on reader's activity
(September 2009 to March 2010)
An Analysis of dispatcher control and a design of optimization of operation of ES SR, participation on a particular task oriented toward possibilities of expert system use for tasks of control
(September-1997 to December-20)
An Analysis of a Possible Use of Knowledge-Based Systems and Neural Networks and a Design of a Problem specific Architecture of a System of Model-Oriented Alarms, work for Nuclear Power Plant Research Institute Trnava
(March-1996 to December-1996)
Integrated Information System, product specification, design and management work for Slovak Telecom
(September-1995 to May-1996)
An Analysis and Design of an Information System, management and development work for Slovak Post, responsible for division of personal sources
(January-1993 to December-1993)
Expert System Shell KEX development, work for industrial manufacturer, responsible for inference engine design and implementation
(August-1989 to December-1990)
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