Currently teaching: [VISS]   [MIP]   and participate in: [MSOFT]   [OOP]   [ZOOP]  

Research Interests:

I am an associate professor, teacher and researcher at Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak university of technology in Bratislava. My research interests involve object-oriented analysis and design, software engineering, complex event processing, educational content specification and modelling, learning management and content management. I have a Ph.D. from STU MTF (2008), ING-PAED IGIP from University of Klagenfurt (2006) and I am a member of IEEE SA 1876 Working Group and Advanced Software Development Research Group (AdvanSD). I also participate in the following research projects:
  • KG 028STU-4/2017. Inovatívne metódy výučby informatiky vo veľkých skupinách s podporou online vzdelávania.

I participate/participated in teaching of the following courses:


Ján Lang
Slovak university of technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Ilkovičova 2
842 16 Bratislava 4
Slovak Republic
Office: 4.34
GPS: 48.153429, 17.071716