Ing. Peter Trúchly, PhD.
Principles of Communication Systems
Course objective::
To introduce to students the area of communication networks and systems namely from their evolution and current state. Besides various examples of communication networks and systems general principles are analysed which are applied in other networks and evolution trends to converged networks based on IP are outlined. Course is focused more on physical layers of communication technologies based on transmission media.
Concise plan:
- Introduction to communication networks - signals, signal processing, spectrum, baseband and passband signals, Fourier transform, modulation, PCM, switching methods, multiplexing technics
- Transmission media – copper, coax, fibre, wireless channel - comparison
- Základy merania v komunikačných sieťach na úrovni fyzickej vrstvy
- Reference model OSI - concept, structure, layers, practical application
- Transport digital hierarchies -- evolution from PDH to synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH/SONET), ways of data transmission, multiplexing, pointers
- ISDN (integrated services data network) - protocol reference model, services, UNI (user -- network interface), signalling DSS1, synchronization, signalling system 7 (SS7) -- transmission of signalling messages, MTP, SCCP
- B-ISDN, ATM (Asynchronous transmission mode) -- evolution to ATM, protocol model, features, statistical multiplex, fast cell switching, virtual path and channels, user-network interface, signalling, services, quality of services and their support by ATM
- DSL technológie - linkové kódy a modulácie využívané v DSL technológiách, rodina štandardov xDSL - HDSL, ADSL, VDSL, ...
- Optical networks - types, components, topologies of optical networks, their application in access and transport networks, passive optical networks - APON, BPON, GPON, AON, optical switches
Recommended reading list:
- Kukura, P. ISDN, B-ISDN, ATM : Digitálne siete s integrovanými službami. Bratislava: Nadácia Jozefa Murgaša, 1997. 185 s. ISBN 80-967503-3-X.
- Ziemer, R E. – Tranter, W H. Principles of Communications : Systems, Modulation, and Noise. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 736 s. ISBN 978-0-470-39878-4.
- Čuchran, J. – Róka, R. Digitálne prenosové systémy a siete. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave FEI, 2007. 166 s. ISBN 978-80-227-2634-4.
- Ondráček, O.: Signály a sústavy. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave, 2008. 341 s. ISBN 978-80-227-2956-7.
- Gibson, J. D. (editor): The Communications Handbook, Second Edition. CRC Press, 2002, ISBN 0-8493-0967-0.
- Ilyas, M., Mouftah, H.T. (editors): The Handbook Of Optical Communication Networks. CRC Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8493-1333-3.