Ing. Peter Trúchly, PhD.
Satellite systems
Course objective:
To familiarize the students in details with technologies applied in current fixed and mobile satellite systems. To understand satellite constellation geometry, modulation technics, various types of multiple media access methods and performance of network and transport protocols in satellite systems. The emphasis is put on active broadcasting, communication and navigation systems.
Concise plan:
- Basic satellite terminology, coordinate systems, architecture of satellite systems.
- Physical and geometrical model of orbit and satellite in the orbit, constellation of satellites, types of orbits.
- The space and earth segment of satellite systems. Calculation of satellite link -- transmission losses, system noise, uplink and downlink carrier to noise ratio.
- Media access methods with fixed, random and dynamic assignment of channel utilized by satellite systems.
- Basic characteristics of current mobile and fixed satellite systems (Argos, Iridium, Globalstar). Broadcasting satellite systems based on DVB technology.
- Characteristics of current navigation systems (GPS, Glonass, Egnos, Galileo) and principle of positioning based on mathematical and physical model.
- Application of network and transport protocols in satellite systems and their performance and available modifications.
Key words:
satellite constellation, coordinate system, LEO, MEO, GEO, HEO, Iridium, Galileo, GPS, TDMA, FDMA
Basic reading list:
- Roddy, D.: Satellite Communications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 636 s. ISBN 0-07-146298-8.
- Evans, B.: Satellite communication systems. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1999. 727 s. ISBN 0-85296-899-X.
- Elbert, B. R. Introduction to Satellite Communication. Norwood: Artech House, 2008. 447 s. ISBN 978-1-59693-210-4.
- Bousquet, M., Maral, G.: Satellite communications systems: Systems, techniques and technology, Third edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. 733 s. ISBN 0-471-97166-9.
- Kevický, D., Kalašová, A.: Satelitné navigačné systémy, EDIS – vydavateľstvo ŽU, Žilina, 2004, ISBN 80-8070-295-0.
Laboratory practise – demonstration: