Summary of links to other sources
Research and universities
The PROTEUS project is a research and development project which is concerned with solving some of the problems of software evolution. These problems have been tackled by a consortium involving partners from organisations in France, Germany, Norway, Italy and the UK. Partial funding for the project has been provided by the European Commission under its Framework research programme.
A central part of the Proteus project is PROTEUS Configuration Language (PCL) which is intended to help solve problems of system evolution. PCL was derived from previous work on module interconnection languages and is a language to represent such system models. PCL can be used to describe hardware, software and documentation descriptions in a single system model, integrate descriptions of the logical system structure with descriptions of how that system is represented as a set of files and model tools which are used to build a system version.
Versioning and Configuration Management of World Wide Web Content
This page was previously the home page for a working group on adding versioning and configuration management capabilities to the World Wide Web. This working group has now been split - the current working group is now focusing on remote configuration management of web content. Discussion of WWW versioning issues now takes place in the WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning Working Group (webdav). This page is still an excellent resource for pointers to work on WWW versioning and configuration management, as well as hypertext versioning.
SERL Research in Configuration Management
Research in Configuration Management (CM) in SERL is focused on the following two topics:
- Identifying and developing CM system architectural components to facilitate rapid construction of CM systems.
- Extending the scope of Configuration Management functionality beyond the traditional development support to address releasing and deploying software.
Information about the following projects is available there:
- NUCM - Distributed configuration management.
- SRM - Software release management.
- Software Dock - Distributed resource configuration and deployment over the Internet
Software configuration management page where you can find information about research in the Software Configuration Management area done by SEI between 1988 and 1994. Abstracts of excellent technical reports, papers and slide sets are there. Few of them are in full.
Configuration Management Models in Commercial Environments, by Peter Feiler. Tech Report CMU/SEI-91-TR-7, ESD-91-TR-7, March 91. (This is an excellent overview of CM models with discussion of the Long transaction, Change Set, Composition, and Checkout/in models.
Technical University of Braunschweig, Computer Science, Software Technology Department. The following research projects which are close to SCM are described here:
- Configuration Management with Versions Sets (ICE - The Incermental Configuration Environment)
- Reengineering of Configuration Structures (RECS - Inference of Configuration Structures)
- Resolution with feature design
SCM research at NRC (DaSC) contains research papers on Software Configuration Management. A software engineering resource list for SCM is available here.
Institute of Configuration Management (ICM) is incorporated in the state of Arizona and headquartered in Scottsdale. It specializes in configuration management education and certification and now has four full-time and seven part-time instructors.
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Reviews, references, tutorials
CM Resource Guide On-Line on one site. Comprehensive and up to date information about configuration management and related...
Alex Lobba's Software Team Development pages is created to help software development teams to select and implement the team development product that best matches their needs, environment and culture. Second aim is to help team development vendors keep a pulse on the market and improve their products. Some of these pages are described in more detail in this document:
- Team Development Overview
- How to Select the Right Team Development Product
- PC-Vased Version Control
SCM Yellow Pages which is a collection of references to all other CM related www pages around the world maintained by André van der Hoek. There is collected many references to CM related www-pages around the world: SCM tools, general information pages on CM, conferences on CM, job openings, public-domain CM systems, consulting, education, reviews, and more.
Yahoo - Configuration Management search
Bibliography on Software Configuration Management by Hal Render
Pascal Molli's SCM page
Following categories related to SCM is available:
- Books and reports
- Research Projects
- Companies
- Free CM Tools
- Commercial CM Tools
- Related CM Tools
- Free Problem Management Tools
- Commercial Problem Management Tools
- General URL's on CM/PM
- Others
Andrew Blyth's tutorial on change management addresses basic concepts and SEI CMM issues
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Free SCM tools
The CVS Bubbles (Concurrent Version System - France)
... CVS, which requires RCS, extends RCS to control concurrent editing of sources by several users working on releases built from a hierarchical set of directories. "RCS is [analogous to using] assembly language, while CVS is [like using] Pascal", according to the author ...
ICE (Incremental Configuration Engine)
... ICE is a tool that provides a logic-based support for all areas of configuration management, including integrated and uniform revision and variant management, binary file repositories, inference of configuration consistency, and deductive program construction ...
QVCS (Quma Version Control System)
... It's a low cost version control system for the DOS/Windows/Window95/Windows NT developer. It has both command line and a Windows GUI interface. It provides many of the same features as commercial products, but costs much less ...
RCS (Revision Control System)
SCCS (Source Code Control System) comes with most UNIX distributions
... ShapeTools is a collection of programs to support software configuration management in an UNIX environment. It consists of a set of version and attribute control commands, and a configuration interpreter and build tool ("shape"). The toolkit is integrated on top of AtFS (Attributed File System), a storage system supporting multiple versions of files and associating an arbitrary number of application defined attributes of the form name=value with each version. ShapeTools is designed to live meaningfully together with any other UNIX tool operating on regular files ...
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Commercial SCM tools
... ClearCase is the SCM product for software teams with UNIX, Windows 95, Windows 3.11, and Windows NT development environments. ClearCase provides comprehensive configuration management, including version control, workspace management, build management, and process control - without forcing you to change your existing environment, your tools, or the way you work.
ClearCase MultiSite is a layered product option for ClearCase that supports parallel software development and software reuse across geographically distributed project teams. ClearCase MultiSite creates and automatically updates dynamic replicas of ClearCase versioned object bases. With ClearCase MultiSite, project teams access, develop, and integrate software across multiple locations with ClearCase's comprehensive, reliable configuration management support ...
... PVCS Version Manager offers developers version management environment to manage the full spectrum of client/server development objects, including source code files, word processing files, online help files, graphics and spreadsheet files ...
... source management system which provides such features as versioning, change control, shared access. PERFORCE's branching mechanism, called Inter-File Branching, makes branches by (virtually) copying files and giving them new names. Each file then proceeds with independent revisioning ...
RCE (Revision Control Engine)
... The Revision Control Engine (RCE) is a product that helps with version control. RCE stores and manages an arbitrary number of revisions of files. It automates storing, retrieval, logging and identification of revisions of these files, and it provides selection mechanisms for composing configurations. RCE (Xcc Software) is the successor of RCS ...
MKS Source Integrity
... Key features include complete project management capabilities, Visual Merge, an automated building process, file promotion. It is a great product for smaller teams of technical developers ...
Visual SourceSafe
... Visual SourceSafe is version control product developed by Microsoft. It enables team development. Visual SourceSafe has central project repository architecture ...
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André van der Hoek maintains the Configuration Management Yellow Pages, in he try to collect as many references to Configuration Management www pages around the world as possible. In addition, he provides the Configuration Management Job Listing page, through which employers can advertise their CM related job openings.
Dennis Heimbigner
His current Projects:
Alexander L. Wolf
Prof. Wolf's research interests are directed toward the discovery of principles and development of technologies to support the engineering of large, complex software systems. He has published in the areas of software engineering environments and tools, software process, software architecture, configuration management, and object databases.
Among a lot of publication software configuration management theme can be found:
- Software Release Management Technical Report CU-CS-806-96, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 1996.
- A Generic, Peer-to-Peer Repository for Distributed Configuration Management 18th International Conference on Software Engineering, Berlin, Germany, March 1996, pages 308-317.
- Post-Deployment Configuration Management 6th International Workshop on Software Configuration Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1167, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996, pages 272-276.
- Software Configuration Management slides presented at the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, Sorrento, Italy, May 1994.
Jacky Estublier
Responsible of Adele group.
Research Interests:
- Software Engineering
- Software Process Modeling
- Software Engineering Environments
- Software Configuration Management Systems
James J. Hunt
His work involves differencing and merging techniques for software development and revision control. He is working on new algorithms for syntax dependent, project wide revision manipulation. The goal is to provide better support for remote sharing so that geographically dispersed people can work together effectively even in the face of sporadic network connections.
He also manages RCE (Revision Control Engine) and CME (Configuration Management Engine) development. These projects are successors Professor Tichy's RCS (Revision Control System). CME extends benifits of RCE to project management.
Walter F. Tichy
Walter F. Tichy is professor of Computer Science at the University Karlsruhe, Germany. His primary research interests are software engineering and parallelism. He is currently involved in a number of projects, including experimental methods in computer science, software architecture & pattern research, software configuration management, scalable networks of workstations for high-performance computing, parallel neural networks, optimizing compilers for parallel machines, and parallel programming languages.
Alex Lobba Lobba is an independent consultant with a unique wealth of experience in software configuration management (SCM) discipline and products, as well as development tools and processes. He combines technical, creative, and interpersonal skills to assist software development teams and independent software vendors in producing winning strategies.
His background includes senior positions with leading SCM vendors, SCM consulting for both technical and MIS shops, and marketing consulting. He has lectured on software configuration management in North America, Japan, Europe and Israel.
Pascal Molli
Andy Lampen and Axel Mahler (authors of the ShapeTools)
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SCM Miscellanea
A Guide to Software Configuration Management - The Book's COMPANION WEB SITE, which contains among other things the SCM resources on the Web.
"This book is about the practice of the SCM discipline. The book starts with the basics — from the definition of SCM, its objectives and functions — and explains SCM as it should be practiced in the software development process. The different phases in the software development lifecycle are explained and how the SCM plays a role in each phase is discussed in detail. The different phases of the SCM implementation life cycle are also discussed. Another important aspect of this book is that it does not relay on any specific tool for explaining the SCM concepts and techniques. In fact one of the main objectives of this book is to give the reader enough information about SCM, the mechanics of SCM and SCM implementation. The book gives information on how to select the right SCM tool for an organization/project and how to implement the tool so that the organization can reap the full benefits of SCM."
The Configuration Management Job Listing
This page is intended to serve as an "on-line" job market for professionals in the area of Configuration Management. Employers can advertise their CM related job openings, and potential employees can read the list and possibly take further action upon reading an opening of interest.
STSC (Software Technology Support Center)
Configuration Management Homepage with following topics:
- Softawre CM Function or Discipline?
- Software CM Tools.
- Adopting SCM Technology.
- SCM by Mil-STD-498.
- Achieving The Best Possible SM Solution.
Software Configuration Management Documentation of SEPO (The Software Engineering Process Office)
- Draft NRaD Software Configuration Management Policy 12/10/96
- Software Configuration Management Process 9/1/95
- Generic Software Configuration Management Plan 9/1/95
- Sample Software Configuration Management Desktop Procedures 9/1/95
- Software Configuration Management Tool Selection Procedures 1/27/96
Glossary of terms for engineering management. Among more than 150 terms one can find a lot from software configuration management field
An extremely detailed set of management plans and standards for software engineering work has been prepared by Ken Rigby.
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