semester in acad. year
2013 - 2014
Watt's steam engine with centrifugal regulator (its theory
elaborated by prof. Aurel Stodola)
Lecturer: prof. Ing. Vladimír Kvasnička,
Lecture: Monday 12.00 –
Seminars: Thursday 16.00 – 17.40 in classroom 1.30a (Ing.
L. Clementis)
Thursday 18.00 –
Goals of lecture:
Familiarize students of
Informatics with basic concepts, techniques, and methods of Cognitive science,
and moreover, to demonstrate
possibilities of artificial
intelligence in modeling different cognitive activities.
for successful passing:
During the course of semester to gain 50 points
from 2 tests and no unexcused absence from seminars.
Exam – achieve a total score of 50 points
from total number of possible 100 points:
max 50 points for 2 tests (2x25=50) during the term
max 50 points from written exam test.
A textbook "V. Kvasnička: Cognitive Science for Informatics", a preliminary still unfinished version in Slovak (pdf
to the Study of Mind. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2006" (pdf).
lecture (February 17, 2014)
John R. Searle: Is the Brain a Digital Computer? (pdf)
John R.
Searle: Consciousness (pdf)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Mind (pdf)
MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive
Science: An Introduction (pdf)
lecture (February 24, 2014)
I. Farkaš: Konceptuálne východiská pre model stelesnenej
mysle (pdf)
S. C. Kleene: Representation of events in nerve nets and finite
automata (pdf)
R. Rojas:
Neural Networks. A Systematic Introduction - chapters 1 and 5 (pdf)
V. Kvasnička: Molecular
Darwinian Evolution In Silico (in Slovak) (pdf)
Vladimír Kvasnička: Umelá evolúcia (pdf)
V. Kvasnid
and J. Pospíchal: A
Multi-Agent Study of Interethnic Cooperation (pdf)
Dawkinns’ memetics, a coevolution of genes and memes, an impact to
cognitive science.
Vladimír KVASNIČKA and Jiří
GENES AND MEMES, Collection (2007) (pdf)
Vladimír Kvasnička and Jiří Pospíchal: Replicator
theory of Dawkins memes (pdf)
Vladimír Kvasnička: Memetika “in silico”pomocou multiagentových systémov (pdf)
Peter Lacko: Emergencia stratégie
hry v multiagentových systémoch (PhD thesis,
March 2009) (pdf)
RICHARD S. SUTTON: Learning to Predict by the Methods of
Temporal Differences (pdf)
Vladimír .Kvasnička: Emergencia stratégie hry (pdf)
First test is organized in
Monday, March 24, Test
will contain subjects from the first five lectures in an form
presented in exercises accompanying
each lecture. A derivation of formulae is
not a subject of the test. It will contain five examples and the
time for its writing is 45 minutes, maximum number of points is
5x5=25. Written
test (pdf)
Contents: Distributed models of memory, basic properties, holographic distributed
associative memory, sequence
of symbols, coding of relations, reasoning, formal languages.
T. A. Plate:
Distributed Representations and Nested Compositional Structure (PhD thesis) (pdf)
T. A. Plate: Holographic Reduced
Representations. IEEE Transactions on Neural Network (1995) (pdf)
V. Kvasnička, J. Pospíchal: Holographic reduced representation in artificial intelligence and
cognitive science (published in Neurocomputing 2004) (pdf)
COGNITIVE SCIENCE (published in Neural Network World
2004) (pdf)
representations. Building the world model with binary sparse
distributed representations (unpublished) (pdf)
(Kognícia a umelý
život, Opava, 2004) (pdf)
Contents: Reasoning,
syntactic and semantic approaches, natural deduction, semantic tableaux.
V. Kvasnička: Logika a kognitívna veda (prezebntácia prednášky) (doc)
· V. Kvasnička: Mentálne modely logiky v kognitívnej vede (doc)
8th lecture (April 14,
2014) Argumentation
Contents: Argumentatrion, logic of argumentation,
classification of argumentation..
· Philippe Besnard and Anthony Hunter: Elements of Argumentation, MIT
Press, 2008 (pdf)
· Douglas Walton:
Fundamentals of Critical Argumentation. Oxford, 2006 (pdf)
Contents: Symbolická teória Hofstadterovho systému Copycat
pre tvorbu analógie
lecture (May 12, 2014)
Contents: Nondeductive modes of reasoning: Abduction and induction
Lecture (pdf)
Second test is organized in Thursday, May 19, 2014,
it will be running in classroom 1.40 in 14.00 p.m. in classroom 1.40.
(supervised by Ing. L. Clementis) Test will contain subjects from the next five
lectures (from sixth to eleventh lectures) in a form presented in exercises
accompanying each lecture. A derivation of formulae is not a subject of the test. It will
contain five examples and the time for its writing is 45 minutes, maximum
number of points is 5x5=25.
Written exam from the Cognitive
Science will be organized in
First term: June 5, 2014 in lecture
hall U120 at 13.30 p.m.
Second Term: June 30, 2014 in lecture
hall U40 at 10.30 a.m.